Police in London prepare for the arrival of the Queen's coffin

Met Police facing biggest ever security operation

The Queen’s funeral and lying-in-state is presenting the Met Police with the biggest security operation they have ever faced.

Huge crowds are expected to descend on London to pay their respects to the Queen.

A host of world leaders and royalty will also attend the funeral on Monday.

Met Police have been implementing a well-planned policing operation to keep all those attending the events safe.

Hundreds of police officers from other forces have now joined Met officers in London.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Cundy said: “This is welcomed as it enables us to continue a highly visible policing presence in central London as well as maintaining neighbourhood policing and response in other London boroughs.”

For those queueing to see the Queen lying in state, there will be a strong police presence in those areas for safety reasons.

Deputy Assistant Cundy added: “We know there are some people who want to protest on a range of issues even at this time of national mourning.

“People have a right to freedom of expression and we must balance the rights of protesters with those of others who wish to grieve and reflect.

“Police officers and the overall policing operation exists to keep people safe.”

To assist the operation, Police officers may also approach and speak to people or ask them to move along if they are blocking access.

For those attending any of the events, if you see or hear anything that doesn’t feel right, report it to a police officer there, or call 101; of course in an emergency, dial 999.

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